User Defined Function Reference

Below is a list of the user defined functions for catagory: GuiCombo Management.
Click on a user defined function name for a detailed description.


User Defined Function Description
_GUICtrlComboAddDir Add names to the list displayed by the combo box
_GUICtrlComboAddString Add a string to the list box of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboAutoComplete AutoComplete a combo box input
_GUICtrlComboDeleteString Delete a string in the list box of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboFindString Return the index of matching item
_GUICtrlComboGetCount Retrieve the number of items in the list box of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboGetCurSel Retrieve the index of the currently selected item, if any, in the list box of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboGetDroppedControlRect Retrieve the screen coordinates of a combo box in its dropped-down state.
_GUICtrlComboGetDroppedState Determine whether the list box of a combo box is dropped down
_GUICtrlComboGetDroppedWidth Retrieve the minimum allowable width, of the list box of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboGetEditSel Get the starting and ending character positions of the current selection in the edit control of a combo box.
_GUICtrlComboGetExtendedUI Determine whether a combo box has the default user interface or the extended user interface
_GUICtrlComboGetHorizontalExtent Retrieve from a combo box the width, in pixels
_GUICtrlComboGetItemHeight Determine the height of list items or the selection field in a combo box
_GUICtrlComboGetLBText Retrieve a string from the list of a combo box.
_GUICtrlComboGetLBTextLen Retrieve the length, in characters, of a string in the list of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboGetList Retrieves all items from the list portion of a ComboBox control.
_GUICtrlComboGetLocale Retrieve the current locale of the combo box
_GUICtrlComboGetMinVisible Get the minimum number of visible items in the drop-down list of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboGetTopIndex Retrieve the zero-based index of the first visible item in the list box portion of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboInitStorage Allocates memory for storing list box portion of the combo box items
_GUICtrlComboInsertString Insert a string into the list box of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboLimitText Limit the length of the text the user may type into the edit control of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboResetContent Remove all items from the list box and edit control of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboSelectString Search the list of a combo box for an item that begins with the characters in a specified string
_GUICtrlComboSetCurSel Select a string in the list of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboSetDroppedWidth Set the maximum allowable width
_GUICtrlComboSetEditSel Select characters in the edit control of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboSetExtendedUI Select either the default user interface or the extended user interface
_GUICtrlComboSetHorizontalExtent Set the width, in pixels
_GUICtrlComboSetItemHeight Set the height of list items or the selection field in a combo box
_GUICtrlComboSetMinVisible Set the minimum number of visible items in the drop-down list of a combo box
_GUICtrlComboSetTopIndex Ensure that a particular item is visible
_GUICtrlComboShowDropDown Show or hide the list box of a combo box